Use of microorganisms grown on large scale for production of valuable commercial products/ to carry
out important chemical transformations
originated with alcoholic fermentation processes-wine, beer
developed for pharmaceutical agents (antibiotics), food additives (amino acids), enzymes, chemicals
- butanol, citric acids.
New era- microbial biotechnology - manipulation of genes give new microbial products most not naturally
produced by microbes
biocatalysts - use of microorganisms as microbial catalysts for specific chemical reaction
Industrial Microorganisms and
• Major
organisms use in biocatalytic processes- fungi (yeasts & mould) ; certain procaryotes - members of Streptomyces
strains for industrial use of high metabolic specialization achieved - genetically altered via
mutation/recombinant DNA hybridisation focussing on yield of particular product
once strains developed then conserved by microbiological lab. Indusrty & in national culture
collection - normally low yield strain deposited
Desirable Properties of useful industrial microorganisms:
Produce substance of interest
rapid growth and form product at short period
genetically stable
capable of growth at industrial scale & on inexpensive medium
not harmful to human or economically important plants and animals
produce spores/other reproductive structure for ease of inoculation
easily manipulated genetically - mutation , selection
Examples of Industrial Products
Growth and Product Formation in Biocatalyses - when in the growth cycle is the industrially useful metabolite
Two basic types of microbial metabolites:
Primary - formed during exponential phase, cells and metabolite produced simultaneously eg alcohol(anaerobic
metabolism of yeast & certain bacteria, as part of energy metabolism)
Secondary - at or near stationary phase, after cells produced, further growth primary metabolite
convert to secondary eg antibiotic
Characteristics of Secondary Metabolites
Each only formed by relatively few organisms
Not essential for growth and reproduction
Formation dependent on growth conditions especially composition of media, repression of formation
can occur frequently
Often produced as group of closely related structures eg, spp. of Streptomyces produce >
30 related but different anthracycline
Can often get dramatic overproduction compared to primary metabolites
Product can be derived from primary metabolite not necessarily the primary substrate itself, therefore
can get secondary metabolites from several intermediate products accumulating either in culture medium or cells during primary
produced by microorganisms that kill or inhibit growth of other microorganisms):
Isolation and Characterization:
• Produced
by filamentous fungi and actinomycetes.(Streptomyces, Penicillins, Bacillus)
Antibiotics classsified according to their chemical structure
>8000 known antibiotic substances, several hundreds discovered yearly, more to be discovered
Screening traditional means, however genetic engineering technique will permit artificially design
new antibiotic -- eventually replace traditional screening method??
Reality ? Currently computer model interaction between a drug’s target and modified version
of a known drug, computer screen hypothetical drugs and predict their efficacy,
identified drug can be synthesised by chemical or biological modification of
existing drug, then tested for clinical effectiveness
Isolation and Screening of Antibiotic Producers Using Traditional Means
Other Microbial Products:
Vitamins and Amino Acids
Microbial bioconversion
Citric Acid and Other Organic Compounds
Industrial Use of Yeast-production of yeast cells, yeast
products, fermentation products, beverage alcohol and distilled beverage