Waste water- liquid effluents derived from domestic sewage or industrial sources, cannot be disposed
untreated to lakes, river and sea due to public health, recreational, economic reasons
contain both organic and inorganic materials, microorganisms play important role in removing organic
Proper wastewater treatment results in elimination of pathogen preventing them from entering the
water supply
Levels of Sewage Treatment
Sewage treatment involve multistep process involving both physical and biological treatment steps.
Primary Treatment- consist of physical separations,
sewage entering treatment pass through series of grates and screen to remove large objects, effluent allowed to settle for
hours for sedimentation to occur, heavy load of nutrients still present, if dumped will pollute
Secondary Treatment- reduce organic load to acceptable
level, (normally involving microbiological process- Anoxic Secondary Treatment Process) before releasing to waterways
Tertiary Treatment - complete method but not widely
adopted, expensive. Involving a physiochemical process employing precipitation, filtration, and chlorination to sharply reduce
levels of inorganic nutrient eg. Phosphate, Nitrate from final effluent. Wastewater from tertiary treatment free from nutrient, unable to support extensive microbial growth.
Anoxic Secondary Treatment Processes
Complex series of digestive, fermentative bacterial reactions
efficiency of treatment is expressed as Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)-measured amount of dissolved
oxygen used by microorganisms
the higher level of oxidisable organic and inorganic material in wastewater, the higher BOD. Efficient
wastewater treatment plant can remove 95% or > of initial BOD
• degradation
process carried out in large enclosed tanks sludge digestors or bioreactors
• major
products of anoxic sewage treatment- methane (collected or burned off/used as fuel for generator in treatment plant) and carbon
Aerobic Secondary Treatment
Aerobic decomposition using trickling filter and activated sludge method -most common
wastewater sprayed onto trickling filter (2m crushed rock bed), liquid pass through slowly, organic
matter adsorbs to rocks, microbial growth occur followed by complete mineralisation of organic matter-ammonia, CO2, nitrate,
sulphate, phosphate.
Activated sludge process- wasterwater mixed and aerated, growth of slime-forming bacteria plus
others forming flocs(substratum) where small animals and protozoa get attach. Process of oxidation similar to
trickling filter.
Water Purification
Potable water (drinking )- requires removal of pathogens, decrease turbidity, eliminate taste and
odour, reduce chemicals such as manganese and iron
water from waterways pumped into sedimentation basin -turbidity settle on gravel, sand
send to coagulation basin - aluminium and iron containing chemical added to form floc trapping
microorganisms absorb organic matter, sediment, removes from water then filtered through sand removing about 99% microorganisms
Chlorination(sodium or calcium hypochlorite or as a gas from pressurised tanks kills microorganisms
within 30 minutes
water then pumped to storage tanks before supplying to consumers.